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Amateur Porn by Professionals

I was trying to explain what I’m eluding to with the title to a friend recently. He had it stuck in his head that amateur porn was amateur porn, that it’s all the same thing. The discussion started around the fact that we both have an inclination to amateur porn for its authenticity.

I was telling him that the biggest downside for me to the amateur porn that you would typically find on the net is that the quality is crap and that’s kind of obvious when you consider that some random guy with zero experience in photography is trying to take pics or filming his girlfriend, sometimes even while he’s fucking her, usually with shitty lighting because women, and he’s doing this with this cellphone. The quality is guaranteed to be shitty.

At Abby Winters the photography and filming as well as everything else is done by professionals while the models are complete amateurs. The result is that the authenticity is kept in tact while the quality is great.

You can get Abby Winters for 56% off with this discount and see for yourself what I mean.